- correction of bugs preventing the compilation with versions 10.* of gfortran,
- fixed bug affecting map2gif when compiled with versions 10.* of gfortran and gcc.
- The facilities
anafast and
smoothing now support pixel-based quadrature weights.
Introduction of the supporting
- The facilities
smoothing, and
test the value of the POLCCONV FITS keyword when reading a polarized map,
and interpret the polarization accordingly,
as described in the note on POLCCONV in The HEALPix Primer.
- median_filter faster by moving an internal array from heap to stack; does not crash anymore when dealing with empty data sets;
slightly different output when median is computed over an even number of pixels
, sorted in [1,n],
the output is d(n/2) instead of
(d(n/2)+d(n/2+1))/2 previously. Result remains d(n/2+1) for odd n.
- anafast now produces nine spectra
(TT, EE, BB, TE, TB, EB, ET, BT and BE), instead of six previously,
when analyzing two polarized maps
- CFITSIO version 3.20 (August 2009) or more now required
- HEALPix-F90 routines and facilities can now also be compiled with
the free Fortran95 compiler g95 (
- a separate build directory is used to store the objects,
modules, ... produced during the compilation of the source codes
- improved handling of long FITS keywords, now producing FITS files
fully compatible with the
Astropy (
Python libraries
- improved FITS file parsing in
affecting the external B(l) reading in the F90 facilities
- libsharp C routines used for Spherical Harmonics Transforms
and introduced in HEALPix 3.10
can now be compiled with any gcc version.
- all Fortran facilities now support most of cfitsio's ”Extended File
Name Syntax” features,
allowing the reading and processing of an arbitrary HDU and table column out of
remote, compressed FITS files. For example, setting
infile = ftp://url/file.fits.gz[extn][col colname]
in anafast
will download the FITS file file.fits.gz from url,
uncompress it, open the HDU (extension) featuring keyword EXTNAME=extn, or the one with 1-based rank number extn, read the table column
with TTYPE*=colname out of it and will analyze it.
It is also possible to perform a remote anafast analysis of a
Planck Legacy Archive (PLA)
sky map named map.fits via the PLA AIO Subsystem
by simply setting
as input map file.
- yet faster
smoothing thanks to libsharp
Note that
some gcc versions
(4.4.1 to 4.4.6) crash with an internal compiler error during compilation of libsharp.
The problem has been fixed in gcc 4.4.7, 4.5.*, 4.6.*, 4.7.* and
newer versions and was not present in versions 4.2.* and 4.3.*.
- all input FITS files can now be compressed (with a
.gz, .Z, .z, or .zip
extension) and/or remotely located (with a ftp:// or http:// prefix).
Version 3.14 (March 2009) or newer of CFITSIO is required for HEALPix 3.0.
- introduction of process_mask
facility to compute the angular distance of valid
pixels to the closest invalid pixels for a input binary mask,
- sky_ng_sim now allows the computation
of the spatial derivatives of the non Gaussian map being produced, and the
output of the
coefficients of that map,
- anafast now allows the
pro/down-grading of the input mask to match the resolution of the map(s) being
”F90 Subroutines Overview”
for details.
- In synfast facility, a numerical bug affecting the accuracy of the Stokes parameter derivatives
for X=Q,U has been corrected. See this appendix for details.
- The anafast facility can now compute the cross-correlations of two different
- The sky_ng_sim facility (Rocha et al, 2005), to produce non-Gaussian CMB temperature maps,
has been added.
- faster implementation of
related facilities, generalization of
OpenMP parallelization, and availability of MPI parallelized routines (see
mpi_* routines in Fortran90 Subroutines Overview document).
- introduction of alteralm facility to modify and/or rotate the spherical
harmonics coefficients
and greater flexibility for constraining
in synfast
- single and double precision implementation of most facilities (see Input and Output Precision
Version 3.83, 2024-11-13