
This Fortran facility provides a means to generate a gif image from an input HEALPix sky map. It is intended to allow some primitive visualisation for those with limited or no access to IDL or python. It is also useful for image generation in a pipeline environment.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/map2gif/map2gif.f90 


% map2gif -inp FITS_file -out GIF_file [options]


-inp FITS_file
The file name of the input FITS sky map (default : none).
In map2gif (and map2gif only) it may be necessary to put the file name between quotes if it contains symbols such as &, [, ], ?, = or blanks
-out GIF_file
The file name of the output gif image (default : none).
Prepending the output file name with $\backslash$! (see example below) will allow the overwriting of the file if it already exists
-add offset
Real value to add to the signal before performing any other operation to it (like taking the logarithm etc.) default:0.0
-ash flag
Logical to use the hyperbolic arc sine of the signal when plotting. Cannot be true when -log is true. default:.false.
-bar flag
Logical which determines whether a color bar is displayed default:.false..
-col table
The number of the color table to utilise (in [1,5]) default:5.
Print on-line help for the facility.
-lat lat0
Latitude (Deg) of central point default:0
-log flag
Logical to use the log of the signal when plotting default:.false.
-lon lon0
Longitude (Deg) of central point default:0
-max maxval
Set the maximum value for the plotted signal default:is to use the actual signal maximum.
-min minval
Set the minimum value for the plotted signal default:is to use the actual signal minimum.
-mul factor
Real value to multiply the signal with directly after adding the offset (see above). default:1.0
-pro projection
Select the projection scheme (among mol or MOL for Mollweide and gno or GNO for gnomic) default:MOL.
-res reso
Resolution in projected plan in arcmin (only for gnomic projection) default:2
-sig number
The identifier of the signal to plot: for a polarisation map, then the mapping is 1 = I; 2 = Q; 3 = U default:1.
-ttl title
A string specifying the title for the plot (see note on quotes for -inp) (default : none).
-xsz xsize
The x-dimension of the image in pixels default:800.


map2gif reads in a HEALPix sky map in FITS format and generates an image in GIF format. map2gif allows the selection of the projection scheme (Mollweide for the full sky or Gnomonic for small patches of the sky), color table, color bar inclusion, linear or log scaling, maximum and minimum range for the plot and plot-title. Flagged, undefined and NaN-valued input pixels will take a grey color on output. The facility utilises a command-line interface.


The following datasets are involved in the map2gif processing.

Dataset Description
None required  


This section lists those routines and facilities (including those external to the HEALPix distribution) which can assist in the utilisation of map2gif.

display, open
a facility is required to view the gif image generated by map2gif (a browser can also be used).
This HEALPix facility will generate the FITS format sky map to be input to map2gif.


map2gif -inp planck100GHZ-LFI.fits $\backslash$
  -out $\backslash$!planck100GHZ-LFI.gif $\backslash$
  -bar .true. $\backslash$
  -min -100 $\backslash$
  -max 100 $\backslash$
  -ttl 'Simulated Planck LFI Sky Map at 100GHz'
map2gif reads in the map 'planck100GHZ-LFI.fits' and outputs its Mollweide projection in a gif image with name 'planck100GHZ-LFI.gif' (overwriting it if necessary) in which the temperature scale has been set to lie between $\pm$ 100 ($\mu$K), a color bar has been drawn and the title 'Simulated Planck LFI Sky Map at 100GHz' appended to the image.


■ Initial release (HEALPix 1.00)


This section describes error messages generated by map2gif

Message Severity Text
None at present    

Version 3.82, 2022-07-28