
This routine writes unpolarised or polarised partial sky HEALPix map into a FITS file.
For more information on the FITS file format supported in HEALPix, including the one implemented in write_fits_partial, see https://healpix.sourceforge.io/data/examples/healpix_fits_specs.pdf.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/fitstools.F90 


call write_fits_partial( filename, pixel, cutmap[, header, coord, nside, order, units, extno] )

Arguments appearing in italic are optional.


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
filename(LEN=filenamelen) CHR IN FITS file in which the partial sky map will be written
pixel(0:np-1) I4B/ I8B IN index of observed (or valid) pixels
cutmap(0:np-1,1:nc) SP/ DP IN value of polarised (if nc$=3$) or unpolarised (if nc$= 1$) map value in each observed pixel
header(LEN=80)(1:) (OPTIONAL) CHR IN FITS extension header to be included in the FITS file
coord(LEN=1) CHR IN astrophysical coordinates ('C' or 'Q' Celestial/eQuatorial, 'G' for Galactic, 'E' for Ecliptic)
nside I4B IN HEALPix resolution parameter of data set
order I4B IN HEALPix ordering scheme, 1: RING, 2: NESTED
units(LEN=20) CHR IN maps physical units (applies to all columns except PIXEL)
extno I4B IN (0 based) extension number in which to write data. default:0. If set to 0 (or not set) a new file is written from scratch. If set to a value larger than 1, the corresponding extension is added or updated, as long as all previous extensions already exist. All extensions of the same file should use the same Nside, Order and Coord
      Note: the information relative to Nside, Order and Coord has to be given, either thru these keyword or via the FITS Header.


This section lists the modules and routines used by write_fits_partial.

module, containing:
routine for printing FITS error messages.
library for FITS file handling.


This section lists the routines related to write_fits_partial

executable that reads a HEALPix map and analyses it.
executable that generate full sky HEALPix maps
routine to know the size of a FITS file and its type (eg, full sky vs cut sky)
all purpose routine to input a map of any kind from a FITS file
subroutine to write a FITS file from a HEALPix map
subroutine to read a HEALPix partial sky map from a FITS file
routine to write minimal FITS header

Version 3.82, 2022-07-28