- azeqview, cartview, gnomview, mollview,
orthview visualization routines:
- addition of PDF keyword for production of Adobe PDF outputs;
- addition of LATEX keyword for genuine
or emulated LATEX processing of character strings;
- addition of PFONTS keyword to select
origin and type of character font;
- the CROP keyword now has the same behavior for all output media (GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PS, ... and X); the NOBAR keyword now removes the color bar or the polarization color wheel, as applicable; correct EQUINOX date in header of output FITS map; the double precision maps and those with constant value are now correctly handled.
- fits2cl: addition of /PLANCK2 keyword
to read best fit
model to Planck 2015 data.
- new routines nest2uniq and uniq2nest for conversion of standard pixel index to/from Unique ID number. See ”The Unique Identifier scheme” section in ”HEALPix Introduction Document”
for more details.
- HEALPix enabled GDL commands (hgdl and hgdlde) are defined during the
configuration process.
- update of the required
IDL-astron library
routines, and Coyote
routines (2015-09-23).
- Latest edition (version 3.11)
- Previous edition (version 3.10)
- Previous edition (version 3.0)
- New routines to go from circular beam profile to transfer function
and back (bl2beam);
to go from indexed list of
to a(l,m) 2D table
and back
(alm_t2i); and to compute the angular distance
between pairs of vectors (angulardistance).
- addition of iprocess_mask
interface to F90 process_mask facility to compute the angular distance of valid
pixels to the closest invalid pixels for a input binary mask.
- creation of hpx2dm routine to generate
DomeMaster images of HEALPix maps that can be projected on planetariums.
- the pixel query routines
and in particular query_disc,
have been improved and will return fewer
false positive pixels in the inclusive mode
- improved accuracy of the co-latitude calculation in the vicinity
of the poles for high resolution in nest2ring, ring2nest,
pix2ang_*, pix2vec_*,
- cartview, gnomview, mollview,
the length and spacing of the headless vectors used to represent
polarization is now user-controlled via POLARIZATION keyword. The COLT keyword now
allows the use of an interactively modified color table.
- orthview now accepts
STAGGER keyword to overplot staggered
spheres (with a twist) in order to detect periodic boundary conditions on the
- fits2cl: addition of WMAP7 keyword
to read best fit
model to WMAP 7yr data.
- read_fits_map can now read
Nside=8192 HEALPix maps and is generally faster than previously for smaller
- update of astron library routines (01-Feb-2012).
Several routines have been added or improved since version 2.0, as listed below.
Note that thanks to the newer IDL-astron library, FITS read/write routines
in IDL-Healpix routines can now deal with FITS files larger than 2GB (on architectures supporting 64bit
Using 64 bit integers available since version 5.2 of IDL the maximum resolution parameter Nside supported has increased
from 213=8192 to
229=536870912, corresponding to
pixels on the sphere.
- Recent edition (versions 2.20 and 2.20a)
- Recent editions (versions 2.15 and 2.15a)
- cartview, gnomview, mollview, orthview:
- export of projected map into a FITS file (FITS keyword), or an
IDL array (MAP_OUT option) now available with all viewing routines,
accept array of OUTLINE structures (if they have the same fields), and still support structure
of structures,
- correction of a bug (in loaddata_healpix) that was
affecting the behavior of these viewing routines after consecutive calls with
very partial cut-sky and then full-sky data sets [2.15a];
- remove_dipole now outputs the monopole and dipole
covariance matrix;
- write_fits_map,
write_fits_sb: BAD_DATA keyword added to FITS header;
- update of astron library routines (24-May-2010) for improved WCS support.
- Previous edition (version 2.14a)
- cartview, gnomview, mollview, orthview:
again with virtual windows (WINDOW<0)
- YPOS= and RETAIN= keywords active again
- PS= keyword fixed
- orthview:
fixed problems with /SHADE keyword, which now
outputs 8-byte (instead of 16-byte) PNG files
- ianafast,
fixed problem with processing of
polarized maps stored in memory.
- ud_grade:
improved handling of flagged pixels on Double
Precision input maps
- remove_dipole:
accept lower case values; /SILENT keyword added.
- Old edition (version 2.13)
- Older editions (versions 2.11 and 2.12a)
- ianafast,
isynfast: the TMPDIR keyword now works properly, and $IDL_TMPDIR is used as the
default temporary directory ; more stable behaviour of these routines
- ud_grade:
- correctly flags bad output pixels with bad_data
value when upgrading maps
- cut sky map: improved, faster routine, now works for Nside >
- cartview, gnomview, mollview, orthview:
- using a virtual window (ie, setting WINDOW to a
negative value) now allows faster generation of GIF and PNG files (especially useful over remote connections);
- addition of RETAIN= keyword;
- deals correctly with user provided MIN and MAX in
LOG and ASINH modes
- polarization norm map can be offset (POLARIZATION=1 mode)
- original color table and plot settings are restored when
leaving these routines
- orthview: addition of
keyword for 3D rendering
- issues warning when non-integer pixel indexes are fed to nest2ring, ring2nest, pix2ang_*, pix2vec_*, ...
- ximview:
- fixed problem with cut-sky FITS files
- color scale bar added to PNG output
- version 0.6.2, fixed bug in pixel coordinates
- cosmetic editions to remove_dipole
- New routines in version 2.10 include
- ximview: visualisation routine developed by J. P. Leahy intended for quick-look inspection of HEALPix images
(as well as ordinary 2-D images) at the level of individual pixels. Features
include panning, zooming, blinking, image statistics and peak finding.
- hpx2gs: turns a healpix data set into a
Google Earth/Google Sky-compatible image
- ianafast: interface to (F90) anafast
and (C++) anafast_cxx facilities
- isynfast: interface to F90 synfast facility
- ismoothing: interface to F90 smoothing facility
- bin_llcl:
- bl2fits: writes
window into
FITS file
- neighbours_nest, neighbours_ring: find immediate neighbours of a given pixel
- query_strip: find pixels lying within a colatitude strip
- Routines with extended/improved user interface or new functionalities include
- mollview, gnomview, cartview, orthview:
- ONLINE keyword is now redundant,
- introduction of GLSIZE and IGLSIZE to
control automatic labeling of graticules,
see Fig. 2,
- addition of SILENT and EXECUTE keywords,
see Fig. 2,
- addition of ASINH keyword to allow better visualisation of highly
contrasted maps; see Figure 3,
- under certain circumstances, can process high resolution cut sky data sets
without creating full sky dummy maps,
- accept gzip compressed FITS files,
- accept polarized cut sky maps,
- accept multi-dimensional online arrays,
- more robust OUTLINE option.
- median_filter: bugs correction
- ud_grade: more robust user interface
- change_polcconv: new /FORCE keyword
- remove_dipole: more accurate
- query_disc: when the disc center is
located at one of the poles, only the pixels overlapping with the disc are now returned.
- Miscellaneous
Version 3.83, 2024-11-13