init_healpix defines the IDL system variable and structure !HEALPIX containing several quantities and character string necessary to HEALPix, eg : allowed resolution parameters Nside, full path to package directory, package version...
init_healpix,/verbose |
init_healpix will create the system variable !Healpix, and give a short description of the tags available, as shown belowInitializing !HEALPIX system variable
This system variable contains some information on Healpix :
!HEALPIX.VERSION = current version number,
!HEALPIX.DATE = date of release,
!HEALPIX.DIRECTORY = directory containing Healpix package,
!HEALPIX.PATH = structure containing:
!HEALPIX.PATH.BIN = structure containing binary path :
!HEALPIX.PATH.BIN.F90 = Fortran90
!HEALPIX.PATH.DATA = path to data subdirectory,
!HEALPIX.PATH.DOC = path to doc subdirectories (.html, .pdf, .epub),
!HEALPIX.PATH.SRC = path to src subdirectory,
!HEALPIX.PATH.TEST = path to test subdirectory,
!HEALPIX.NSIDE = list of all valid values of Nside parameter,
!HEALPIX.BAD_VALUE = value of flag given to missing pixels in FITS files,
!HEALPIX.COMMENT = this description.
help, !healpix, /structure |
will print the content of the !Healpix system structure.
Version 3.83, 2024-11-13