Downloading HEALPix
The HEALPix software can be downloaded freely, without registration. However, if you wish to be kept informed of HEALPix developments, updates and new releases, please subscribe to the moderated Healpix-users mailing list by filling in its web form, or by sending to an empty email with only "subscribe" on the Subject line.
The recommended channel for obtaining and installing the latest HEALPix software is to download the source package from the SourceForge Download page under the GNU General Public License, version2 (GPLv2), and follow the installation directions.
The source code of past, latest and forthcoming releases can be browsed on SourceForge SVN repository.
Prepackaged or precompiled HEALPix packages can also be found in various places, with variable delays, for e.g. MacOSX
and Linux (RPM) systems, under the same GPLv2 licensing scheme.
Use of the HEALPix software package in any form should be explicitly acknowledged in all publications in the following form:
- an acknowledgment statement – "Some of the results in this paper have been derived using the HEALPix (K.M. Górski et al., 2005, ApJ, 622, p759) package", and
- at the first use of the HEALPix acronym, a footnote placed in the main body of the paper referring to the HEALPix website – currently or
For any problem, question or comment, see the Support page.
New Features in HEALPix
- Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.83
- Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.82
- Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.81
Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.83
- Support for intel ifx compiler
- Proper detection of python versions 3.10 and above
- configuration, compilation and installation of healpy package via pip.
- bug fix in query_polygon where pixels might be missing in some situations where polygon edges were parallel to the equator. (
- bug fix in query_disc_inclusive where pixels could be missing at locations exactly azimuthally opposite to the disc center. (
- update of the required IDL-astron library routines (2024-09-27).
- Switch to
healpy 1.18.0
- now supports python>= 3.10
- scipy and matplotlib are now optional dependencies
- wheels available for MacOS arm64
- addition of resize_alm
- bugs correction in query_disc and query_polygon
- ships with cfitsio 4.5.0
Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.82
- corrected documentation of pix2vec routines
- Cfitsio 4.1.0 (March 2022) and higher now properly supported
Fortran 90 facilities and subroutines
- Bug corrections in input_map and read_fits_partial,
- added a workaround for a bug detected in Apple-ARM-chips implementation of gfortran 11.
- Note that cfitsio 4.1.0 or higher is required for Fortran codes running on Apple's ARM chips
- bug corrections in read_fits_map and read_tqu
- update of the required IDL-astron library routines, and Coyote library routines (2022-07-27).
- Switch to
healpy 1.16.1
- Updated CFITSIO included in healpy to 4.1.0, necessary for compatibility with Apple ARM chips
- Update HEALPix C++ sources to revision 1206 (just maintenance commits)
- Do not normalize binary arrays
- Fix unncessary log warning message in plots
- Fixed double application of margins in visualization functions when using subplot syntax and implemented margins parameter for mollview, orthview, and azeqview when subplot syntax is not used
- Fixed reuse_axes=True for cartview and gnomview
- New features in projview: subplots, remove monopole-dipole, labels, tickmarks, graticule, Planck and WMAP colormaps
- Fixed the CFITSIO version mismatch warning
- Added colorbar ticks and normalization
Bug corrections and Improvements in Version 3.81
- Cfitsio 4.0.0 (Jul 2021) and higher now properly supported
- Introduced workarounds for some minor GDL and FL limitations.
- Switch to
healpy 1.15.2
- new function blm_gauss to generate alm of a gaussian beam,
- implement rotation in the graticule of projview,
- explain how to create a local datapath for pixel weights,
- improvement on is_seq to avoid synalm breaking on JAX input arrays, added unit tests,
- upgraded HEALPix C++ sources to HEALPix 3.81, fixing incompatibility with CFITSIO 4
For any problem, question or comment, see the Support page.