HEALPix History
HEALPix was originally devised in early 1997 by
Krzysztof M. Górski at the
(now defunct) Theoretical Astrophysics Center (TAC)
in Copenhagen, Denmark (he is currently at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL).
Early development
of the HEALPix concept and initial implementation was made in
the spring of 1997 in collaborative work of K.M. Górski
with Eric Hivon (currently at the
Institut d'Astrophysique
de Paris, IAP, France).
Benjamin D. Wandelt, then at the TAC (now at
has contributed critically to the further development of HEALPix
and related mathematical methods.
Frode K. Hansen, then at the
TAC (now at
Universitetet i Oslo, UIO),
Anthony J. Banday
(then at Max Planck Institut für Astrophysik (MPA),
Garching, Germany, now at Institut de recherche en astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), Toulouse, France)
and Matthias Bartelmann (then at MPA, now at
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik,
Heidelberg, Germany)
provided invaluable input required to make possible
the first large release of the HEALPix software (Version 1.10).
The following releases of the HEALPix software (Versions 1.20 to
and the current one (Version
3.83) benefited
- the continuing dedicated effort of E. Hivon, Martin Reinecke (MPA), and A. J. Banday, the work of William O'Mullane (European Space Astronomy Center, ESAC), Hans Kristian Eriksen (Universitetet i Oslo), Snorre Boasson (NTNU), David Larson (Johns Hopkins University, JHU), Emmanuel Joliet (IPAC), Paddy Leahy (Manchester University), Graca Rocha (JPL),
- the inclusion of Cyrille Rosset's (APC), Andrea Zonca's (UCSB), and Leo Singer's (Goddard Space Flight Center) healpy package,
- and numerous contributions made by HEALPix users (see the Acknowledgments).
HEALPix Team
The active support of HEALPix currently involves the following people (in alphabetical order):
- A.J. Banday;
- K.M. Górski;
- E. Hivon: IDL and F90 developments, release coordination, web site;
- E. Joliet: Java developments;
- W. O'Mullane: Java developments;
- M. Reinecke: C, C++ and Java developments;
- L. Singer: Python developments;
- A. Zonca: Python developments.
This effort is not supported by any dedicated funds, and depends entirely on the voluntary collaboration of the mentioned individuals.
We thank the following people for their contributions and/or suggestions, which significantly helped us to improve HEALPix throughout its several releases
About this Web Site
Website content developed by the HEALPix Team
PHP (8.2.12) scripts and CSS layout adapted from the now defunct GDL website and Colourise template by styleshout.com.
Sui Generis font downloaded from Urbanfonts.com