
This routine is a wrapper to 10 other routines: alm2map_sc_X, alm2map_sc_pre_X, alm2map_pol_X, alm2map_pol_pre1_X, alm2map_pol_pre2_X, where X stands for either s or d. These routines synthesize a HEALPix RING ordered temperature map (and if specified, polarisation maps) from input $a_{\ell m}^T$ (and if specified $a_{\ell m}^E$ and $a_{\ell m}^B$) values. The different routines are called dependent on what parameters are passed. Some routines synthesize maps with or without precomputed harmonics (note that since HEALPix v2.20 precomputed harmonics most likely won't speed up computation) and some with or without polarisation. The routines accept both single and double precision arrays for alm_TGC and map_TQU. The precision of these arrays should match.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/alm_tools.F90 


call alm2map*( nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, alm_TGC, map_TQU[, plm=$\vert$ zbounds=] )


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
nsmax I4B IN the $N_{\mathrm{side}}$ value of the map to synthesize.
nlmax I4B IN the maximum $\ell$ value used for the $a_{\ell m}$.
nmmax I4B IN the maximum $m$ value used for the $a_{\ell m}$.
alm_TGC(1:p, 0:nlmax, 0:nmmax) SPC or DPC IN The $a_{\ell m}$ values to make the map from. $p$ is 3 or 1 depending on wether polarisation is respectively included or not. In the former case, the first index runs from 1 to 3 corresponding to (T,E,B).

map_TQU(0:12*nsmax**2-1) SP or DP OUT if only a temperature map is to be synthesized, the map-array should be passed with this rank.
map_TQU(0:12*nsmax**2-1, 1:3) SP or DP OUT if both temperature an polarisation maps are to be synthesized, the map array should have this rank, where the second index is (1,2,3) corresponding to (T,Q,U).
plm(0:n_plm-1), OPTIONAL DP IN If this optional matrix is passed with this rank, precomputed $P_{\ell m}(\theta)$ are used instead of recursion. ( n_plm = nsmax*(nmmax+1)*(2*nlmax-nmmax+2).
plm(0:n_plm-1,1:3), OPTIONAL DP IN If this optional matrix is passed with this rank, precomputed $P_{\ell m}(\theta)$ AND precomputed tensor harmonics are used instead of recursion. (n_plm = nsmax*(nmmax+1)*(2*nlmax-nmmax+2).
zbounds(1:2), OPTIONAL DP IN section of the sphere on which to perform the map synthesis, expressed in terms of $z=\sin(\mathrm{latitude}) =
\cos(\theta).$ If zbounds(1)$<$zbounds(2), it is performed on the strip zbounds(1)$<z<$zbounds(2); if not, it is performed outside the strip zbounds(2)$\le z \le$zbounds(1). If absent, the whole map is processed. Currently, zbounds and plm can not be used together.


use healpix_types
use pix_tools, only : nside2npix
use alm_tools, only : alm2map
integer(I4B) :: nside, lmax, mmax, npix
real(SP), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map
complex(SPC), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: alm
real(DP), dimension(1:2) :: zrange
nside=256 ; lmax=512 ; mmax=lmax
zrange =(/ 0.0_dp, 0.5_dp /)
call alm2map(nside, lmax, mmax, alm, map, zbounds=zrange)
Make temperature and polarisation maps from the scalar and tensor $a_{\ell m}$ passed in alm. The maps have $N_{\mathrm{side}}$ of 256, and are constructed from $a_{\ell m}$ values up to 512 in $\ell$ and $m$. In order to save time, the maps are only generated on the range $0 < z < 0.5$ (leaving the other pixels to 0) even though the input $a_{\ell m}$ are those of a full sky map.


This section lists the modules and routines used by alm2map*.

Performs FFT over $m$ for synthesis of the rings.
compute_lam_mm, get_pixel_layout,
gen_lamfac,gen_mfac, gen_normpol,
gen_recfac, init_rescale, l_min_ylm
Ancillary routines used for $Y_{\ell m}$ recursion
module, containing:
routine to print error message, when an array can not be allocated properly
Note: Starting with version 3.10, libsharp routines will be called when precomputed $P_{\ell m}$ are not provided.


This section lists the routines related to alm2map*

routine generating a map and its derivatives from its $a_{\ell m}$
routine generating maps of arbitrary spin from their ${_s}a_{\ell m}$
executable using alm2map* to smooth maps
executable using alm2map* to synthesize maps.
routine performing the inverse transform of alm2map*.
routine to generate randomly distributed $a_{\ell m}$ coefficients according to a given power spectrum
pixel_window, generate_beam
return the $\ell$-space HEALPix -pixel and beam window function respectively
modifies $a_{\ell m}$ to emulate effect of real space filtering

Version 3.82, 2022-07-28