
Routine to convert a HEALPix map from NESTED to RING scheme or vice versa. The conversion is done in place, meaning that it doesn't require memory for a temporary map, like the $\htmlref{convert\_nest2ring}{sub:convert_nest2ring}$ or $\htmlref{convert\_ring2nest}{sub:convert_ring2nest}$ routines. But for that reason, this routine is slower and not parallelized. The routine is a wrapper for 6 different routines and can threfore process integer, single precision and double precision maps as well as mono or bi dimensional arrays.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/pix_tools.F90 


call convert_inplace*( subcall, map )


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
subcall IN routine to be called by convert_inplace_real. Set this to ring2nest or nest2ring dependent on wether the conversion is RING to NESTED or vice versa.
map(0:npix-1) I4B/ SP/ DP INOUT mono-dimensional full sky map to be converted, the routine finds the size itself.
map(0:npix-1,1:nd) I4B/ SP/ DP INOUT bi-dimensional (nd$> 0$) full sky map to be converted, the routine finds both dimensions itself. Processing a bidimensional map with nd$>1$ should be faster than each of the nd 1D-maps consecutively.


call convert_inplace(ring2nest,map)
Converts an map from RING to NESTED scheme.


This section lists the modules and routines used by convert_inplace*.

routine to convert a NESTED pixel index to RING pixel number.
routine to convert a RING pixel index to NESTED pixel number.


This section lists the routines related to convert_inplace*

convert from NESTED to RING scheme using a temporary array. Requires more space then convert_inplace, but is faster.
convert from RING to NESTED scheme using a temporary array. Requires more space then convert_inplace, but is faster.

Version 3.82, 2022-07-28