All Classes and Interfaces
Class for compressing/uncompressing monotonous integer sequences.
Some frequently used constants.
FastMath class is a Java implementation of the
Basic FITS I/O support for Healpix maps.
Class describing a location on the sphere
Basic opersations related to the HEALPix pixelisation.
Class representing a full HEALPix map containing double values.
Class representing a full HEALPix map containing float values.
Procedural interface to the
functionality.Various data tables needed by the
class.Collection of utility functions.
Support for MOC algorithms.
Moc FITS I/O routines.
Support for MOC queries.
Moc string I/O routines.
An angular position on the unit sphere.
Class for dealing with sets of integer ranges.
Interface describing an iterator for going through all values in
a RangeSet object.
The Healpix pixel ordering scheme.
Cartesian 3-vector.
Class for storing a position on the unit sphere as a (z,phi)-tuple.