name & dimensionality | type | in/out | description |
nside | long | IN | Nside parameter for the HEALPix map. |
ipnest | long | — | pixel identification number in NESTED scheme over the range {0, Npix-1}. |
ipring | long | — | pixel identification number in RING scheme over the range {0, Npix-1}. |
theta | double | — | colatitude in radians measured southward from north pole in [0,![]() |
phi | double | — | longitude in radians, measured eastward in [0,![]() |
vector | double | — | 3D cartesian position vector (x,y,z). The north pole is (0,0,1). An output vector is normalised to unity. |
void pix2ang_ring(long nside, long ipring, double *theta, double *phi);
renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center given the pixel number ipring and a map resolution parameter nside. |
renders cartesian vector coordinates of the nominal pixel center given the pixel number ipring and a map resolution parameter nside. |
renders the pixel number ipring for a pixel which, given the map resolution parameter nside, contains the point on the sphere at angular coordinates theta and phi. |
renders the pixel number ipring for a pixel which, given the map resolution parameter nside, contains the point on the sphere at cartesian coordinates vector. |
renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center given the pixel number ipnest and a map resolution parameter nside. |
renders cartesian vector coordinates of the nominal pixel center given the pixel number ipnest and a map resolution parameter nside. |
renders the pixel number ipnest for a pixel which, given the map resolution parameter nside, contains the point on the sphere at angular coordinates theta and phi. |
renders the pixel number ipnest for a pixel which, given the map resolution parameter nside, contains the point on the sphere at cartesian coordinates vector . |
void nest2ring(long nside, long ipnest, long *ipring);
performs conversion from NESTED to RING pixel number. |
performs conversion from RING to NESTED pixel number. |
Version 3.83, 2024-11-13