LevelS C++ support library  3.82
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of libcxxsupport.
3  *
4  * libcxxsupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * libcxxsupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with libcxxsupport; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17  */
19 /*
20  * libcxxsupport is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik
21  * and financially supported by the Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt
22  * (DLR).
23  */
25 /*! \file sse_utils_cxx.h
26  * SSE/SSE2/SSE3-related functionality for C++
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Max-Planck-Society
29  * \author Martin Reinecke
30  */
35 template<typename T, int sz> class svec;
37 #if (defined(__SSE2__))
39 #include <xmmintrin.h>
40 #include <emmintrin.h>
42 template<> class svec<int, 4>
43  {
44  public:
45  typedef int Ts;
46  typedef __m128i Tv;
47  typedef union { Tv v; Ts d[4]; } Tu;
48  Tv v;
50  svec () {}
51  svec (const svec &b) : v(b.v) {}
52  svec (const Tv &b) : v(b) {}
53  svec (const Ts &val) : v(_mm_set1_epi32(val)) {}
54  svec (const Ts &val1, const Ts &val2, const Ts &val3, const Ts &val4)
55  : v(_mm_set_epi32(val4,val3,val2,val1)) {}
57  const svec &operator= (const Ts &val)
58  { v=_mm_set1_epi32(val); return *this; }
59  const svec &operator= (const svec &b)
60  { v=b.v; return *this; }
62  Ts operator[] (int p) const
63  { Tu u; u.v=v; return u.d[p]; }
64  void set (int p, Ts val)
65  { Tu u; u.v=v; u.d[p]=val; v=u.v; }
67  const svec &operator+= (const svec &b)
68  { v=_mm_add_epi32(v,b.v); return *this; }
69  const svec &operator-= (const svec &b)
70  { v=_mm_sub_epi32(v,b.v); return *this; }
71  svec operator+ (const svec &b) const
72  { return svec(_mm_add_epi32(v,b.v)); }
73  svec operator- (const svec &b) const
74  { return svec(_mm_sub_epi32(v,b.v)); }
76  const svec &operator&= (const svec &b)
77  { v=_mm_and_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
78  const svec &operator|= (const svec &b)
79  { v=_mm_or_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
80  const svec &operator^= (const svec &b)
81  { v=_mm_xor_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
82  svec operator& (const svec &b) const
83  { return svec(_mm_and_si128(v,b.v)); }
84  svec operator| (const svec &b) const
85  { return svec(_mm_or_si128(v,b.v)); }
86  svec operator^ (const svec &b) const
87  { return svec(_mm_xor_si128(v,b.v)); }
88  svec andnot (const svec &b) const
89  { return svec(_mm_andnot_si128(v,b.v)); }
91  const svec &operator<<= (int b)
92  { v=_mm_slli_epi32(v,b); return *this; }
93  svec operator<< (int b) const
94  { return svec(_mm_slli_epi32(v,b)); }
95  const svec &operator>>= (int b)
96  { v=_mm_srai_epi32(v,b); return *this; }
97  svec operator>> (int b) const
98  { return svec(_mm_srai_epi32(v,b)); }
100  svec eq (const svec &b) const
101  { return svec(_mm_cmpeq_epi32(v,b.v)); }
102  svec gt (const svec &b) const
103  { return svec(_mm_cmpgt_epi32(v,b.v)); }
104  svec lt (const svec &b) const
105  { return svec(_mm_cmplt_epi32(v,b.v)); }
106  };
108 typedef svec<int,4> V4si;
110 #if 0
111 template<> class svec<long long , 2>
112  {
113  public:
114  typedef long long Ts;
115  typedef __m128i Tv;
116  typedef union { Tv v; Ts d[2]; } Tu;
117  Tv v;
119  svec () {}
120  svec (const svec &b) : v(b.v) {}
121  svec (const Tv &b) : v(b) {}
122  svec (const Ts &val) : v(_mm_set1_epi64x(val)) {}
123  svec (const Ts &val1, const Ts &val2)
124  : v(_mm_set_epi64x(val2,val1)) {}
126  const svec &operator= (const Ts &val)
127  { v=_mm_set1_epi64x(val); return *this; }
128  const svec &operator= (const svec &b)
129  { v=b.v; return *this; }
131  int operator[] (int p) const
132  { Tu u; u.v=v; return u.d[p]; }
133  void set (int p, int val)
134  { Tu u; u.v=v; u.d[p]=val; v=u.v; }
136  const svec &operator+= (const svec &b)
137  { v=_mm_add_epi64(v,b.v); return *this; }
138  const svec &operator-= (const svec &b)
139  { v=_mm_sub_epi64(v,b.v); return *this; }
140  svec operator+ (const svec &b) const
141  { return svec(_mm_add_epi64(v,b.v)); }
142  svec operator- (const svec &b) const
143  { return svec(_mm_sub_epi64(v,b.v)); }
145  const svec &operator&= (const svec &b)
146  { v=_mm_and_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
147  const svec &operator|= (const svec &b)
148  { v=_mm_or_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
149  const svec &operator^= (const svec &b)
150  { v=_mm_xor_si128(v,b.v); return *this; }
151  svec operator& (const svec &b) const
152  { return svec(_mm_and_si128(v,b.v)); }
153  svec operator| (const svec &b) const
154  { return svec(_mm_or_si128(v,b.v)); }
155  svec operator^ (const svec &b) const
156  { return svec(_mm_xor_si128(v,b.v)); }
157  svec andnot (const svec &b) const
158  { return svec(_mm_andnot_si128(v,b.v)); }
160  const svec &operator<<= (int b)
161  { v=_mm_slli_epi64(v,b); return *this; }
162  svec operator<< (int b) const
163  { return svec(_mm_slli_epi64(v,b)); }
164  };
166 typedef svec<long long,2> V2di;
167 #endif
169 template<> class svec<float, 4>
170  {
171  public:
172  typedef float Ts;
173  typedef __m128 Tv;
174  typedef union { Tv v; Ts d[4]; } Tu;
175  Tv v;
177  svec () {}
178  svec (const svec &b) : v(b.v) {}
179  svec (const Tv &b) : v(b) {}
180  svec (const Ts &val) : v(_mm_set1_ps(val)) {}
181  svec (Ts val1, Ts val2, Ts val3, Ts val4)
182  : v(_mm_set_ps(val4,val3,val2,val1)) {}
183  explicit svec (const svec<int,4> &b) : v(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(b.v)) {}
185  operator svec<int,4>() const
186  { return svec<int,4> (_mm_cvtps_epi32(v)); }
187  const svec &operator= (const Ts &val)
188  { v=_mm_set1_ps(val); return *this; }
189  const svec &operator= (const svec &b)
190  { v=b.v; return *this; }
192  Ts operator[] (int p) const
193  { Tu u; u.v=v; return u.d[p]; }
194  void set (int p, Ts val)
195  { Tu u; u.v=v; u.d[p]=val; v=u.v; }
197  const svec &operator+= (const svec &b)
198  { v=_mm_add_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
199  const svec &operator-= (const svec &b)
200  { v=_mm_sub_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
201  const svec &operator*= (const svec &b)
202  { v=_mm_mul_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
203  const svec &operator/= (const svec &b)
204  { v=_mm_div_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
206  svec operator+ (const svec &b) const
207  { return svec(_mm_add_ps(v,b.v)); }
208  svec operator- (const svec &b) const
209  { return svec(_mm_sub_ps(v,b.v)); }
210  svec operator* (const svec &b) const
211  { return svec(_mm_mul_ps(v,b.v)); }
212  svec operator/ (const svec &b) const
213  { return svec(_mm_div_ps(v,b.v)); }
215  const svec &operator&= (const svec &b)
216  { v=_mm_and_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
217  const svec &operator|= (const svec &b)
218  { v=_mm_or_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
219  const svec &operator^= (const svec &b)
220  { v=_mm_xor_ps(v,b.v); return *this; }
221  svec operator& (const svec &b) const
222  { return svec(_mm_and_ps(v,b.v)); }
223  svec andnot (const svec &b) const
224  { return svec(_mm_andnot_ps(v,b.v)); }
225  svec operator| (const svec &b) const
226  { return svec(_mm_or_ps(v,b.v)); }
227  svec operator^ (const svec &b) const
228  { return svec(_mm_xor_ps(v,b.v)); }
230  svec operator- () const
231  { return svec(_mm_xor_ps(_mm_set1_ps(-0.),v)); }
233  svec eq (const svec &b) const
234  { return svec(_mm_cmpeq_ps(v,b.v)); }
235  svec neq (const svec &b) const
236  { return svec(_mm_cmpneq_ps(v,b.v)); }
237  svec lt (const svec &b) const
238  { return svec(_mm_cmplt_ps(v,b.v)); }
239  svec le (const svec &b) const
240  { return svec(_mm_cmple_ps(v,b.v)); }
241  svec gt (const svec &b) const
242  { return svec(_mm_cmpgt_ps(v,b.v)); }
243  svec ge (const svec &b) const
244  { return svec(_mm_cmpge_ps(v,b.v)); }
246  void writeTo (Ts *val) const
247  { _mm_storeu_ps (val, v); }
248  void writeTo (Ts &a, Ts &b, Ts &c, Ts &d) const
249  { Tu u; u.v=v; a=u.d[0]; b=u.d[1]; c=u.d[2]; d=u.d[3]; }
250  void readFrom (const Ts *val)
251  { v=_mm_loadu_ps(val); }
252  void readFrom (Ts a, Ts b, Ts c, Ts d)
253  { v=_mm_set_ps(d,c,b,a); }
254  };
256 typedef svec<float,4> V4sf;
258 inline V4sf sqrt(const V4sf &v)
259  { return V4sf(_mm_sqrt_ps(v.v)); }
260 inline V4sf abs(const V4sf &v)
261  { return V4sf(_mm_andnot_ps(_mm_set1_ps(-0.),v.v)); }
262 inline V4sf blend(const V4sf &mask, const V4sf &a, const V4sf &b)
263  { return (mask&a)|(mask.andnot(b)); }
264 inline bool any (const V4sf &a)
265  { return _mm_movemask_ps(a.v)!=0; }
266 inline bool all (const V4sf &a)
267  { return _mm_movemask_ps(a.v)==15; }
268 inline bool none (const V4sf &a)
269  { return _mm_movemask_ps(a.v)==0; }
270 inline V4sf min (const V4sf &a, const V4sf &b)
271  { return _mm_min_ps(a.v,b.v); }
272 inline V4sf max (const V4sf &a, const V4sf &b)
273  { return _mm_max_ps(a.v,b.v); }
275 template<> class svec<double, 2>
276  {
277  public:
278  typedef double Ts;
279  typedef __m128d Tv;
280  typedef union { Tv v; Ts d[2]; } Tu;
281  Tv v;
283  svec () {}
284  svec (const svec &b) : v(b.v) {}
285  svec (const Tv &b) : v(b) {}
286  svec (const Ts &val) : v(_mm_set1_pd(val)) {}
287  svec (const Ts &val1, const Ts &val2)
288  : v(_mm_set_pd(val2,val1)) {}
289  explicit svec (const svec<int,4> &b) : v(_mm_cvtepi32_pd(b.v)) {}
291  operator svec<int,4>() const
292  { return svec<int,4> (_mm_cvtpd_epi32(v)); }
293  const svec &operator= (const Ts &val)
294  { v=_mm_set1_pd(val); return *this; }
295  const svec &operator= (const svec &b)
296  { v=b.v; return *this; }
298  Ts operator[] (int p) const
299  { Tu u; u.v=v; return u.d[p]; }
300  void set (int p, Ts val)
301  { Tu u; u.v=v; u.d[p]=val; v=u.v; }
303  const svec &operator+= (const svec &b)
304  { v=_mm_add_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
305  const svec &operator-= (const svec &b)
306  { v=_mm_sub_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
307  const svec &operator*= (const svec &b)
308  { v=_mm_mul_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
309  const svec &operator/= (const svec &b)
310  { v=_mm_div_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
312  svec operator+ (const svec &b) const
313  { return svec(_mm_add_pd(v,b.v)); }
314  svec operator- (const svec &b) const
315  { return svec(_mm_sub_pd(v,b.v)); }
316  svec operator* (const svec &b) const
317  { return svec(_mm_mul_pd(v,b.v)); }
318  svec operator/ (const svec &b) const
319  { return svec(_mm_div_pd(v,b.v)); }
321  const svec &operator&= (const svec &b)
322  { v=_mm_and_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
323  const svec &operator|= (const svec &b)
324  { v=_mm_or_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
325  const svec &operator^= (const svec &b)
326  { v=_mm_xor_pd(v,b.v); return *this; }
327  svec operator& (const svec &b) const
328  { return svec(_mm_and_pd(v,b.v)); }
329  svec operator| (const svec &b) const
330  { return svec(_mm_or_pd(v,b.v)); }
331  svec operator^ (const svec &b) const
332  { return svec(_mm_xor_pd(v,b.v)); }
334  svec operator- () const
335  { return svec(_mm_xor_pd(_mm_set1_pd(-0.),v)); }
337  svec eq (const svec &b) const
338  { return svec(_mm_cmpeq_pd(v,b.v)); }
339  svec neq (const svec &b) const
340  { return svec(_mm_cmpneq_pd(v,b.v)); }
341  svec lt (const svec &b) const
342  { return svec(_mm_cmplt_pd(v,b.v)); }
343  svec le (const svec &b) const
344  { return svec(_mm_cmple_pd(v,b.v)); }
345  svec gt (const svec &b) const
346  { return svec(_mm_cmpgt_pd(v,b.v)); }
347  svec ge (const svec &b) const
348  { return svec(_mm_cmpge_pd(v,b.v)); }
350  void writeTo (Ts *val) const
351  { _mm_storeu_pd (val, v); }
352  void writeTo (Ts &a, Ts &b) const
353  { _mm_store_sd(&a,v); _mm_storeh_pd(&b,v); }
354  void readFrom (const Ts *val)
355  { v=_mm_loadu_pd(val); }
356  void readFrom (const Ts &a, const Ts &b)
357  { v=_mm_set_pd(b,a); }
358  };
360 typedef svec<double,2> V2df;
362 inline V2df sqrt(const V2df &v)
363  { return V2df(_mm_sqrt_pd(v.v)); }
364 inline V2df abs(const V2df &v)
365  { return V2df(_mm_andnot_pd(_mm_set1_pd(-0.),v.v)); }
366 inline V2df blend(const V2df &mask, const V2df &a, const V2df &b)
367  { return V2df(_mm_or_pd(_mm_and_pd(a.v,mask.v),_mm_andnot_pd(mask.v,b.v))); }
368 inline bool any (const V2df &a)
369  { return _mm_movemask_pd(a.v)!=0; }
370 inline bool all (const V2df &a)
371  { return _mm_movemask_pd(a.v)==3; }
372 inline bool none (const V2df &a)
373  { return _mm_movemask_pd(a.v)==0; }
375 template<typename T> inline T vcast(const V4si &a);
376 template<typename T> inline T vcast(const V4sf &a);
377 template<typename T> inline T vcast(const V2df &a);
379 template<> inline V4si vcast (const V4sf &a)
380  { return V4si (_mm_castps_si128(a.v)); }
381 template<> inline V4sf vcast (const V4si &a)
382  { return V4sf (_mm_castsi128_ps(a.v)); }
383 template<> inline V2df vcast (const V4si &a)
384  { return V2df (_mm_castsi128_pd(a.v)); }
386 #endif
388 #endif

Generated on Thu Jul 28 2022 17:32:06 for LevelS C++ support library