Healpix C++  3.83
1 /*
2  * This file is part of Healpix_cxx.
3  *
4  * Healpix_cxx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * Healpix_cxx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with Healpix_cxx; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17  *
18  * For more information about HEALPix, see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
19  */
21 /*
22  * Healpix_cxx is being developed at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik
23  * and financially supported by the Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt
24  * (DLR).
25  */
27 /*
28  * Copyright (C) 2017 Max-Planck-Society
29  * Author: Martin Reinecke
30  */
32 #include <memory>
33 #include <fstream>
34 #include "xcomplex.h"
35 #include "paramfile.h"
36 #include "alm.h"
37 #include "alm_fitsio.h"
38 #include "fitshandle.h"
39 #include "lsconstants.h"
40 #include "announce.h"
42 using namespace std;
44 namespace {
46 class needlet_base
47  {
48  public:
49  virtual int lmin (int band) const = 0;
50  virtual int lmax (int band) const = 0;
51  virtual std::vector<double> getBand(int band) const = 0;
52  };
55 class needlet: public needlet_base
56  {
57  private:
58  enum { npoints=1000 };
59  std::vector<double> val;
60  double B;
62  double phi(double t) const
63  {
64  using namespace std;
65  double pos=1.-2*B/(B-1.)*(t-1./B);
66  double p2=(val.size()-1)*abs(pos);
67  size_t ip2=size_t(p2);
68  if (ip2>=val.size()-1) return (pos>0.) ? 1. : 0.;
69  double delta=p2-ip2;
70  double v=val[ip2] + delta*(val[ip2+1]-val[ip2]);
71  return (pos>0) ? 0.5+v : 0.5-v;
72  }
73  double b2 (double xi) const
74  { return phi(xi/B) - phi(xi); }
76  public:
77  needlet (double B_) : val(npoints), B(B_)
78  {
79  using namespace std;
80  val[0]=0;
81  double vold=exp(-1.);
82  for (int i=1; i<npoints-1; ++i)
83  {
84  double p0=double(i)/(npoints-1);
85  double v=exp(-1./(1-p0*p0));
86  val[i]=val[i-1]+0.5*(vold+v);
87  vold=v;
88  }
89  val[npoints-1]=val[npoints-2]+0.5*vold;
90  double xnorm=.5/val[npoints-1];
91  for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i)
92  val[i]*=xnorm;
93  }
95  virtual int lmin (int band) const
96  { return int(std::pow(B,band-1)+1.+1e-10); }
97  virtual int lmax (int band) const
98  { return int(std::pow(B,band+1)-1e-10); }
99  virtual std::vector<double> getBand(int band) const
100  {
101  using namespace std;
102  double fct=pow(B,-band);
103  vector<double> res(lmax(band)+1);
104  for (int i=0; i<lmin(band); ++i) res[i] = 0;
105  for (int i=lmin(band); i<int(res.size()); ++i)
106  res[i]=sqrt(b2(i*fct));
107  return res;
108  }
109  };
111 class sdw: public needlet_base
112  {
113  private:
114  enum { npoints=1000 };
115  std::vector<double> val;
116  double B;
118  double f_s2dw(double k)
119  {
120  if ((k<=1./B)||(k>=1.)) return 0;
121  double t = (k - (1. / B)) * (2.0 * B / (B-1.)) - 1.;
122  return exp(-2.0 / (1.0 - t*t)) / k;
123  }
124  double phi (double t) const
125  {
126  using namespace std;
127  double p2= (t-1./B)*(val.size()-1)/(1.-1./B);
128  int ip2=int(p2);
129  if (ip2>=int(val.size()-1)) return 0;
130  if (p2<=0.) return 1;
131  double delta=p2-ip2;
132  return 1.-(val[ip2] + delta*(val[ip2+1]-val[ip2]));
133  }
134  double b2 (double xi) const
135  { return phi(xi/B) - phi(xi); }
137  public:
138  sdw (double B_) : val(npoints), B(B_)
139  {
140  using namespace std;
141  val[0]=0;
142  double vold=0.;
143  for (int i=1; i<npoints-1; ++i)
144  {
145  double p0=1./B+double(i)/(npoints-1)*(1-1./B);
146  double v=f_s2dw(p0);
147  val[i]=val[i-1]+0.5*(v+vold);
148  vold=v;
149  }
150  val[npoints-1]=val[npoints-2]+0.5*vold;
151  double xnorm=1./val[npoints-1];
152  for (int i=0; i<npoints; ++i)
153  val[i]*=xnorm;
154  }
156  virtual int lmin (int band) const
157  { return int(std::pow(B,band-1)+1.+1e-10); }
158  virtual int lmax (int band) const
159  { return int(std::pow(B,band+1)-1e-10); }
160  virtual std::vector<double> getBand(int band) const
161  {
162  using namespace std;
163  double fct=pow(B,-band);
164  vector<double> res(lmax(band)+1);
165  for (int i=0; i<lmin(band); ++i) res[i] = 0;
166  for (int i=lmin(band); i<int(res.size()); ++i)
167  res[i]=sqrt(b2(i*fct));
168  return res;
169  }
170  };
172 class spline: public needlet_base
173  {
174  private:
175  double B;
177  static double psi (double x)
178  {
179  if (x<=0.) return 1.;
180  if (x>=1.) return 0.;
181  return (x>=0.5) ? 2.*(1.-x)*(1.-x)*(1.-x)
182  : 12.*x*x*(.5*x-.5) + 1.;
183  }
185  double h (double xi) const
186  { return psi(xi/B)-psi(xi); }
188  public:
189  spline (double B_) : B(B_) {}
191  virtual int lmin (int /*band*/) const
192  { return 1; }
193  virtual int lmax (int band) const
194  { return int(std::pow(B,band+1)-1e-10); }
195  virtual std::vector<double> getBand(int band) const
196  {
197  using namespace std;
198  double fct=pow(B,-band);
199  vector<double> res(lmax(band)+1);
200  for (int i=0; i<lmin(band); ++i) res[i] = 0;
201  for (int i=lmin(band); i<int(res.size()); ++i)
202  res[i]=sqrt(h(i*fct));
203  return res;
204  }
205  };
207 class cosine: public needlet_base
208  {
209  private:
210  std::vector<int> llim;
212  void checkBand(int band) const
213  {
214  planck_assert((band>=0) && (band<int(llim.size()-2)), "illegal band");
215  }
217  public:
218  cosine (const std::vector<int> &llim_) : llim(llim_)
219  {
220  planck_assert(llim.size()>=3, "llim vector needs at least 3 entries");
221  if ((llim[0]==0) && (llim[1]==0))
222  llim[0]=-1;
223  for (tsize i=1; i<llim.size(); ++i)
224  planck_assert(llim[i]>llim[i-1], "llim not strictly increasing");
225  }
227  virtual int lmin (int band) const
228  {
229  checkBand(band);
230  return llim[band]+1;
231  }
232  virtual int lmax (int band) const
233  {
234  checkBand(band);
235  return llim[band+2]-1;
236  }
237  virtual std::vector<double> getBand(int band) const
238  {
239  using namespace std;
240  vector<double> res(lmax(band)+1);
241  for (int i=0; i<lmin(band); ++i) res[i]=0.;
242  for (int i=lmin(band); i<=llim[band+1]; ++i)
243  res[i]=cos(halfpi*(llim[band+1]-i)/(llim[band+1]-llim[band]));
244  for (int i=llim[band+1]; i<=lmax(band); ++i)
245  res[i]=cos(halfpi*(i-llim[band+1])/(llim[band+2]-llim[band+1]));
246  return res;
247  }
248  };
250 template<typename T> void needlet_tool (paramfile &params)
251  {
252  string mode = params.template find<string>("mode");
253  planck_assert ((mode=="split") || (mode=="assemble") ||
254  (mode=="write_coefficients"), "invalid mode");
255  bool split = mode=="split";
256  unique_ptr<needlet_base> needgen;
257  string ntype = params.template find<string>("needlet_type");
258  if (ntype=="cosine")
259  {
260  vector<string> lps=tokenize(params.template find<string>("llim"),',');
261  vector<int> lpeak;
262  for (auto x:lps) lpeak.push_back(stringToData<int>(x));
263  needgen.reset(new cosine(lpeak));
264  }
265  else if (ntype=="needatool")
266  needgen.reset(new needlet(params.template find<double>("B")));
267  else if (ntype=="sdw")
268  needgen.reset(new sdw(params.template find<double>("B")));
269  else if (ntype=="spline")
270  needgen.reset(new spline(params.template find<double>("B")));
271  else
272  planck_fail("unknown needlet type");
273  int loband=params.template find<int>("minband");
274  int hiband=params.template find<int>("maxband")+1;
276  if (mode=="write_coefficients")
277  {
278  for (int i=loband; i<hiband; ++i)
279  {
280  fitshandle out;
281  out.create (params.template find<string>("outfile_needlets")
282  +intToString(i,3)+".fits");
283  vector<fitscolumn> cols;
284  cols.push_back(fitscolumn("coeff","[none]",1,PLANCK_FLOAT64));
285  out.insert_bintab(cols);
286  out.write_column(1,needgen->getBand(i));
287  }
288  return;
289  }
291  string infile = params.template find<string>("infile");
292  string outfile = params.template find<string>("outfile");
293  bool polarisation = params.template find<bool>("polarisation", false);
294  if (!polarisation)
295  {
296  if (split)
297  {
298  int nlmax, nmmax;
299  get_almsize(infile, nlmax, nmmax);
300  auto alm = read_Alm_from_fits<T>(infile,nlmax,nmmax);
301  for (int i=loband; i<hiband; ++i)
302  {
303  int lmax_t=min(nlmax,needgen->lmax(i)),
304  mmax_t=min(nmmax, lmax_t);
305  Alm<xcomplex<T>> atmp(lmax_t,mmax_t);
306  for (int m=0; m<=mmax_t; ++m)
307  for (int l=m; l<=lmax_t; ++l)
308  atmp(l,m) = alm(l,m);
309  atmp.ScaleL(needgen->getBand(i));
310  write_Alm_to_fits (outfile+intToString(i,3)+".fits",atmp,lmax_t,mmax_t,
311  planckType<T>());
312  }
313  }
314  else
315  {
316  Alm<xcomplex<T> > alm;
317  for (int i=loband; i<hiband; ++i)
318  {
319  int nlmax, nmmax;
320  get_almsize(infile+intToString(i,3)+".fits", nlmax, nmmax);
321  auto atmp = read_Alm_from_fits<T>(infile+intToString(i,3)+".fits",
322  nlmax,nmmax);
323  atmp.ScaleL(needgen->getBand(i));
324  for (int m=0; m<=alm.Mmax(); ++m)
325  for (int l=m; l<=alm.Lmax(); ++l)
326  atmp(l,m) += alm(l,m);
327  atmp.swap(alm);
328  write_Alm_to_fits (outfile,alm,alm.Lmax(),alm.Mmax(), planckType<T>());
329  }
330  }
331  }
332  else
333  {
334  planck_fail("polarisation not yet supported");
335  }
336  }
338 } // unnamed namespace
340 int needlet_tool (int argc, const char **argv)
341  {
342  module_startup ("needlet_tool", argc, argv);
343  paramfile params (getParamsFromCmdline(argc,argv));
345  bool dp = params.find<bool> ("double_precision",false);
346  dp ? needlet_tool<double>(params) : needlet_tool<float>(params);
348  return 0;
349  }
void write_Alm_to_fits(fitshandle &out, const Alm< xcomplex< T > > &alms, int lmax, int mmax, PDT datatype)
Definition: alm_fitsio.cc:151
Definition: alm.h:88
int Lmax() const
Definition: alm.h:65
int Mmax() const
Definition: alm.h:67
void get_almsize(fitshandle &inp, int &lmax, int &mmax)
Definition: alm_fitsio.cc:42

Generated on Wed Nov 13 2024 12:18:30 for Healpix C++